Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2018

INFOST 547 - 201, 202 (Online)

Week 15 (April 30 – May 6)

Thursday, May 3   (6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M., GoToMeeting)
Optional Session
Online Office Hours / Lab Session
Every Thursday evening, I will be holding an Office Hours/Lab Session using the GoToMeeting Platform. Please join us to review solutions to recent assignments, to ask a question, to get help with your assignments, to discuss your plans for the final project, or just to say hello. Please use a headset when joining this session. You may join the GoToMeeting session using this link.
Other Resources
  • Recording of Online Office Hours/Lab Session: Resource is not yet available. Expected availability date is Friday, May 4.

Sunday, May 6, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
  • Work on Final Project
  • Work on Issue Paper
Written Assignments Due
  • Issue Paper (Graduate Students Only)
    Description: Each graduate student will write a research paper regarding a specific issue of human- computer interaction, such as how to design for people with disabilities, the pros and cons of different prototyping approaches. The emphasis is on the identification of challenges of the issue and how to solve these challenges. Your paper should be about 1500 to 2000 words. In addition, you need to cite a minimum of 10 sources.