Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2024

IS597 - MLC - Machine Learning Pipelines Using Cloud-Based Platforms

Meets Monday Afternoons

Week 6 (February 19 – February 25)

Monday, February 19   (4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M., LISB 131)
Class Session 5
  • Data Preprocessing Using Cloud Computing
In-Class Activities
  • Review solutions to prior assignments from prior week.
  • Lecture: Data Preprocessing Using Cloud Computing
  • Group Coding Exercise
Required Readings
  • Raschka & Mirjalili – Chapter 4 (Building Good Training Datasets – Data Preprocessing)

Friday, February 23   (2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M., Zoom)
Optional Session
Lab Session
On Friday afternoons from 2:00 PM till 3:00 PM, we will be holding an optional Lab Session using Zoom. Please drop by to ask a question, to discuss solutions to previous assignments, to get help with the current assignment, to discuss the final project, or just to say hello. Please use a headset while participating.

Monday, February 26, @  4:00 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
Coding Assignments Due
  • Data Preprocessing Assignment
    Description: In this assignment, you will pre-process data using Python libraries. The workflow is going to be implemented and documented using a Jupyter Notebook. You will be running your notebook in an AWSALL SageMaker Notebook Instance. Later, you will be able to adopt this approach for use in your Final Project. PLEASE NOTE: The assignment instructions have been included in the Jupyter Notebook starter file for this assignment.