Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2021

IS446 - AOG/AOU - Systems Analysis and Design

Meets Tuesday Evenings Online

Week 9 (March 22 – March 28)

Tuesday, March 23   (6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M., Zoom)
Class Session 9
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 7h526y as the session password. Please use a headset.
  • Documenting Data Requirements
Required Readings
  • Valacich & George 8e: Chapter 8
Required Recordings
  • Lecture Video: Conceptual Data Modeling . PLEASE NOTE: I made this recording for a previous teaching of Systems Analysis. In that semester, I dragged the topic of conceptual data modeling out over more than one week. So, please be aware that references to what will be done in the current week and what will be done in some future week may be misleading. In this teaching of Systems Analysis, we are covering all of conceptual data modelling THIS WEEK.
  • Lecture Video: State-Machine Diagrams
Other Resources

Sunday, March 28   (12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M., Zoom)
Optional Session
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 4v810b as the session password. Please use a headset.
Lab Session
On Sunday afternoons from 12:00 PM till 1:00 PM, I will be holding an optional Lab Session using Zoom. Please drop by to ask a question, to discuss solutions to previous assignments, to get help with the current assignment, to discuss the final project, or just to say hello.

Sunday, March 28, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
Written Assignments Due