Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2021

IS446 - AOG/AOU - Systems Analysis and Design

Meets Tuesday Evenings Online

Week 3 (February 8 – February 14)

Tuesday, February 9   (6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M., Zoom)
Class Session 3
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 7h526y as the session password. Please use a headset.
  • The Origins of Software (Chapter 2)
  • More on Agile
Required Readings
  • Valacich & George 8e: Chapter 2 (The Origins of Software)
  • Martin Chapters 1 and 5
Required Recordings
Other Resources
Class Discussion Prep
  • Which applications are important to you?
    In preparation for our class discussion, make a list of 5 applications that interest you. These may be applications you have already worked with. Or, they might be applications that you are looking forward to getting involved with in the future. For each application, write down some notes about why this application has your attention. Please remember that most applications that get attention from systems analysts are not the popular desktop packaged productivity applications (like Outlook and Photoshop). Rather, systems analysts often work on gathering requirements for custom business applications like order processing, payroll, fleet scheduling, or patient billing. So, be sure to give this type of application fair consideration as you choose.
  • Making a more informed choice regarding agile
    The chapters that we read last week in the Layton book painted a fairly rosy picture of the agile approach. After reading Layton, it is easy to be convinced that the agile approach is the best for all kinds of projects. The readings in the Martin book also promote agile. Yet, Martin is more demanding of the agile practitioner from many perspectives. Having read Martin, how have your inclinations changed about taking a waterfall approach vs. an agile approach to the team project?

Sunday, February 14   (12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M., Zoom)
Optional Session
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 4v810b as the session password. Please use a headset.
Lab Session
On Sunday afternoons from 12:00 PM till 1:00 PM, I will be holding an optional Lab Session using Zoom. Please drop by to ask a question, to discuss solutions to previous assignments, to get help with the current assignment, to discuss the final project, or just to say hello.

Schedule Note
There are no assignments due this week.