Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2021

IS439 - AOG/AOU - Web Development Using Application Frameworks

Meets Wednesday Evenings Online

Week 13 (April 19 – April 25)

Wednesday, April 21   (6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M., Zoom)
Class Session 11
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 3a743l as the session password. Please use a headset.
  • Review solutions to Authentication and Admin Assignment
  • Work on Framework Evaluation Paper
  • Work on Final Project
Required Readings
Other Resources
Coding Assignments Due

Sunday, April 25   (11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M., Zoom)
Optional Session
Session Link
You may join the session using this link. Use 3j112p as the session password. Please use a headset.
Lab Session
On Sunday mornings from 11:00 AM till 12:00 PM, I will be holding an optional Lab Session using Zoom. Please drop by to ask a question, to discuss solutions to previous assignments, to get help with the current assignment, to discuss the final project, or just to say hello.

Schedule Note
No weekly assignments are scheduled for Sunday, April 25. Instead, the assignment associated with this week's content is due immediately before our next class session.