Weekly Course Schedule – Summer 2019

IS 452 - AO (Meets Tuesday Evenings Online)

Week 12 (July 29 – August 3)

Schedule Note
This final week of our course is devoted to the Final Project. Due to the accelerated schedule of a 12-week Summer semester, you will need to start the Final Project prior to the beginning of this week. The Final Project is comprised of 4 exercises. You should have mastered the skills needed for Exercises 1 and 2 after completing the coding assignment for Week 8 (Zelle Chapter 11). Nevertheless, you will need to complete your work on the Week 11 coding assignment before starting on Final Project Exercises 3 and 4.

Tuesday, July 30   (6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M., Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)
Class Session 12
  • Review coding assignment solutions from previous week.
  • Online Lab time for Final Project

Saturday, August 3, @  11:55 P.M.
Additional Deadline
Coding Assignments Due