Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2019

INFOST 691 - 207, 208 (Online)

Week 1 (January 22 – January 27)

Tuesday, January 22   (7:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M., GoToMeeting)
Optional Session
Online Lab Session
On Tuesday evenings, we will be holding an optional Online Lab Session using the GoToMeeting Platform. Please drop by to ask a question, to discuss solutions to previous assignments, to get help with the current assignment, to discuss the final project, to discuss the framework evaluation paper, or just to say hello. Please use a headset when joining this session. You may join the GoToMeeting session using this link.

Sunday, January 27, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
  • Course Introduction
  • Personal Introductions
Required Readings
Required Recordings
Class Participation Assignments Due (Forum Posts)
  • Introduce Yourself (Required)
    Description: Each student is expected to contribute a 200 - 300 word introduction post. Please introduce yourself to the instructor and your classmates. Include information regarding your preferred name, your work (inside or outside the home), and your experience with the subject matter of the class. Most important, tell us what you would like to get out of this class.
    Submit to: Introduce Yourself Forum

Sunday, January 27, @  11:55 P.M.
Additional Deadline
Computing Setup
  • Install Anaconda
    Description: Anaconda is an open data science platform that provides access to a coordinated set of Python tools. We will be using Anaconda to provide our basic Python tools. This will relieve some of the pressure of downloading many Python tools individually. It will also give us some experience in working with Anaconda, which is a valuable skill in its own right.
  • Install PyCharm Professional
    Description: PyCharm Professional is a leading Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE). I will be using PyCharm in my tutorial videos and I will expect you to use PyCharm when completing your assignments. JetBrains, the makers of PyCharm Professional, offer free licenses to this and a number of other products to university students and faculty. You will need to secure one of these free licenses from JetBrains using the link below. Following that, you will need to install PyCharm Professional by following one of the tutorial videos below that will help you through the download and install.
  • Learn About Git
    Description: During this course, we will be making extensive use of the Git source code version control system. Some of you already have experience with Git. Others do not. The Lynda.com course that is linked below, is a good introduction to Git using SourceTree, a GUI-based Git client that I am recommending that you use during the course. Even for those of you who are comfortable working at the command line, SourceTree is a good addition to your stable of free software tools.
  • Install SourceTree
    Description: You are free to use whatever Git client you want. I recommend that you use SourceTree. The Lynda.com course identified above gives fairly up-to-date instructions on installing and using the product. There is a link below to a page where you can get the software.
  • Set Up a BitBucket Account
    Description: Despite that fact that much of our courseware gives examples of using GitHub as a remote Git repository, I am recommending that you use BitBucket instead. BitBucket has a special deal for university people that allows free accounts with private repositories. Also, there is very good integration between BitBucket and SourceTree (same vendor). Using your UWM email id, set up a free BitBucket account. This account will allow you to create a repository that you can use for your own practice.