Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2019

INFOST 490 - 002 (Meets Monday & Wednesday Mornings)

Week 6 (February 25 – March 3)

Monday, February 25   (9:30 A.M. – 10:45 A.M., NWQD - 1990)
Class Session 10
  • Agile Schedule: Planning Week
  • Showcasing Work, Inspecting, and Adapting (Chapter 10)
Computing Setup
  • Establish Your JIRA Software Account (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT)
    Description: We are using the latest version of JIRA Software on our server. Instead of sending blind invitations to each student to register on our JIRA server, we will be creating an account for you using your name and your UWM user ID. You will receive an email from the JIRA Software server asking you to set your password. Please do this immediately. This opportunity will expire if you wait too long.
  • Submit Team Roster (TEAM ASSIGNMENT)
    Description: We need you to submit your team roster so that we can create several pieces of course infrastructure for your team. This includes forming you into a D2L group, creating a project for your team in the JIRA Software product, and having SOIS Tech create a SOIS Web account for your team. In our first class of the week, I will work with you to choose a team name that meets our requirements. Immediately after that, one member of your team needs to submit your team roster. The team roster should include the team name, the names of the members, and the name of one member who is willing to be the lead user for your JIRA software project. Submit your roster by opening a ticket using the Request Center portal for our class. Open this ticket using summary text that includes "Team Roster". Please create an Other Issue ticket. The URL of the portal is provided below.
Required Readings
  • Layton: Chapter 10 (Showcasing Work, Inspecting, and Adapting)

Wednesday, February 27   (9:30 A.M. – 10:45 A.M., NWQD - 1990)
Class Session 11
  • Agile Schedule: Planning Week
  • Preparing for Release (Chapter 11)
Required Readings
  • Layton: Chapter 11 (Preparing for Release)
Class Discussion Prep
  • Team Status Update
    At the end of our class session, one member of each team will make a brief presentation regarding the status of their project. It is expected that this responsibility will be rotated among the team members over the course of the semester.

Sunday, March 3, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
Computing Setup