Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2019

IS 590 - WFO (Meets Wednesday Evenings Online)

Week 15 (April 22 – April 28)

Wednesday, April 24   (6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M., Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)
Class Session 14
  • Work on Framework Evaluation Paper
  • Work on Final Project

Sunday, April 28, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
Written Assignments Due
  • Framework Evaluation Paper
    Description: Each student will write a paper presenting the conclusions of their evaluation of the suitability of a candidate Web application framework (other than Django) for a set of functional and non-functional requirements which they could reasonably expect to encounter in the workplace. The length of your paper should be 1500 to 2000 words. In addition, you will need to cite a minimum of 10 sources.