Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2018

LIS 490DB - O (Meets Wednesday Evenings Online)

Week 2 (January 21 – January 27)

Tuesday, January 23   (6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M., iSchool Blackboard Collaborate Ultra DropIn Room)
Optional Session
Online Office Hours / Lab Session
Every Tuesday evening, I will be holding an optional Online Office Hours / Lab Session using the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform. These sessions serve as a great opportunity to discuss questions and issues regarding the class. They are also a great opportunity to get help with your coding assignments. Meet in the "DropIn Room" of the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform. Join the "Kevin Trainor Office Hours" breakout room. Please use a headset. Meetings on other days and times may be arranged by contacting me via email.

Wednesday, January 24   (6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M., Blackboard Collaborate Ultra)
Class Session 2
  • Installing the MySQL software
  • Relational Model Components
  • An introduction to relational databases and SQL
Computing Setup
Required Readings
  • Oppel Chapter 2
  • Murach Chapter 1
Other Resources