Weekly Course Schedule – Fall 2017

INFOST 340 - 201 (Online)

Week 1 (September 5 – September 10)

Tuesday, September 5   (7:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M., GoToMeeting)
Optional Session
Online Office Hours / Lab Session
Every Tuesday evening, I will be holding an Office Hours / Lab Session using the GoToMeeting Platform. I encourage you to drop by to review solutions to recent Skills Practice Assignments, to ask a question, to get help with your Skills Practice assignments, to get help with your project, or just to say hello. Please use a headset when joining this session. Note that individual meetings may be arranged on other days and at other times. To arrange such a meeting, contact me via email. You may join the GoToMeeting session using this link.
Other Resources
  • Recording of Online Office Hours session This is an audio-only recording. For some odd reason, the recording feature of GoToMeeting was misbehaving during this session. Nevertheless, the audio worked fine.

Sunday, September 10, @  11:55 P.M.
Weekly Assignments Deadline
  • Introductions
  • Course syllabus
  • What Does A Systems Analyst Do?
Required Readings
Required Recordings
Class Participation Assignments Due (Forum Posts)
  • Introduce Yourself
    Description: Post a 100 - 200 word introduction to yourself. Your introduction should include: Your name; The UWM program in which you are enrolled; Your employment (this includes, full-time, part-time, university, and home care activities); Your previous experience with Systems Analysis; Most Important: What you would like to get out of this course. I look forward reading each your introductions.
    Submit to: Introductions Forum