Weekly Course Schedule – Spring 2016

LIS 590MG - L (Meets Wednesday Evenings Online)

Week 1 (January 18 – January 23)

Tuesday, January 19   (3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M., Blackboard Collaborate)
Optional Session
Online Office Hours
    Every Tuesday afternoon, I will be holding Online Office Hours using the Blackboard Collaborate platform. You are invited to join us to discuss questions and issues concerning the class. Meet in the Drop In Room of the Blackboard Collaborate platform. Join the Kevin Trainor Office Hours breakout room. Please use a headset.

Wednesday, January 20   (6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M., Blackboard Collaborate)
Class Session 1
  • Introductions
  • Review Syllabus
  • Introduction to Project Management
Required Readings
Optional Readings
  • Kinkus, J. (2007). Project management skills: A literature review and content analysis of librarian position announcements. College & Research Libraries, 68(4), 352-363.
  • Wamsley, L. H. (2009). Controlling project chaos: Project management for library staff. PNLA Quarterly, 73(2), 5-6, 27.
Other Resources
Optional Quizzes
  • Schwalbe Chapter 1 Practice Quiz
    Quiz Activity Name: Schwalbe Chapter 1 Practice Quiz
Class Discussion Prep
  • Introductions
    In the beginning of this week's class, I will be asking each student to introduce themselves. I am expecting an informal introduction about 2 minutes long. Content should include your name, your academic program, your occupation (current and planned), a brief synopsis of your prior experience with project management, and a brief summary of your expectations for the course. I will call on members of the class in alphabetical order. You will present using your headset. If you do not have prior experience in using a headset with Blackboard Collaborate, please contact ITD for assistance before class begins.