Weekly Course Schedule – Fall 2016

INFOST 490 - 002 Meets Tuesday, Thursday

Week 4 (September 26 – October 2)

Tuesday, September 27   (12:30 P.M. – 1:45 P.M., NWQD-1990)
Class Session 7
  • Defining the Product Vision and Product Roadmap (Chapter 7)
Required Readings
  • Layton: Chapter 7 (Defining the Product Vision and Product Roadmap)

Thursday, September 29   (11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M., NWQB-3472)
Optional Session
Office Hours
    I will hold office hours every Thursday in my office from 11:00AM till 12:00 PM. Please feel free to drop by to ask a question, to get help with your assignments, to discuss projects, to discuss project team formation, or just to say hello. Other appointments may be arranged via email.

Thursday, September 29   (12:30 P.M. – 1:45 P.M., NWQD-1990)
Class Session 8
  • Planning Releases and Sprints (Chapter 8)
Required Readings
  • Layton: Chapter 8 (Planning Releases and Sprints)

Sunday, October 2, @  11:55 P.M.
Additional Deadline
Computing Setup
  • Establish Your JIRA Agile Account
    Description: You should have already received an email invitation to establish an account on the SOIS JIRA Agile Server. When you establish you account, please remember to make your username the same as the username that you used at BitBucket. Also, please provide your full name when asked. This will allow us to identify your work more easily.
Quiz Assignments Due
  • Quiz on Layton Chapters 7 and 8
    Quiz Activity Name: Quiz on Layton Chapters 7 and 8
Coding Assignments Due
  • Set Up SOIS Web Account
    Description: Using the tutorial video as a guide, set up a SOIS Web account.
    Submit to: Not applicable.
  • Clone Repository on SOIS Web Server
    Description: Using the tutorial videos as a guide, clone the remote repository on your SOIS Web Server.
    Submit to: Not applicable.
  • Pull Changes to SOIS Web Server
    Description: Using the tutorial video as a guide, log into to the command line interface for your SOIS Web server and pull changes from the remote repository to the repository on the server. Test your work by displaying pages from the shared content Web site and demonstrating that the content is up to date. When your work is complete, submit a single page document to the drop box indicated below. This document should include your name and the URL for the top page of your copy of the shared Web site (the URL for my copy of the site is http://trainork.uwmsois.com/repo_2016_fall_infost_490/).
    Submit to: Shared Web Site on Your SOIS Web Server
Class Participation Assignments Due (Forum Posts)
  • Week 4 Update on Project Selection & Team Formation
    Description: There is 1 week remaining before you are expected to have selected a project and formed a project team. Post an update on your individual progress toward that goal. Use this space to reach out to others in the class.
    Submit to: Project Selection & Team Formation Forum - Week 4 Update